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April 23, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Annual Phone-In Young Bird Sale

Well what another busy week for Jeff Walton who planned, co-ordinated, and managed the Annual Sale. This task is not without its pressures, normally you experience a steady build up during the first few days of the sale with a crescendo of activity in the final hour. With 31 lots to manage it is always going to be somewhat frenetic at times. Many thanks to Jeff and the club members who helped him John Fellows, Gary Heslington, Paul Fullard and Matthew Walton who designed and manages the Sportsman FC website.

The success of the sale is dependent on the quality of youngsters donated and the bidder participation. And as usual we were not let down on either account, some fantastically well-bred babies given without hesitation by members and club supporters. It is a measure of the clubs reputation that bids were received from across the UK and we wish all successful bidders the very best with their purchases. Also to the many others who bid but were not successful this time. A big thank you” for helping to make the sale such a success.

NFC Business

Check out the NFC website if you have not already done so. You will see the latest initiative which invites members to comment on matters that really matter. It allows members to make suggestions for improvement and is all aimed at involving members in shaping club improvements.

Next the new Champion of Champions League” which is being launched by the NFC this coming season. This competition will be competed for over the first five old bird races through a series of nominations by members who will have to nominate five birds in each race and a nominated bird will have to finish in the top 10% of their section to gain points. These points accumulate over the season and the fancier at the top of the table wins a new motor car sponsored by Hartwells. At a time when many businesses are struggling and under pressure to make efficiencies this continued sponsorship deal is most generous and should be applauded. The competition will be fully outlined in the annual handbook which should be with you shortly.

There is a second new car being sponsored for the Tarbes National race. This is a joint venture between Hartwells, Mark Gilbert and Eamon Kelly. Another fantastic gesture of generosity.

One or two members may have experienced some problems when attempting to log-on to the NFC website. It is hoped that these issue’s will be sorted shortly but let me know if you have any continued problems and I will chase these up with Sid Barkel.

Fougeres National 28th May

In just over a month we will soon be in the thick of the national race programme. Hopefully and despite the changeable weather you will have got the necessary training and race preparation in hand for your charges. There is no room for error in the birds preparation and they need to be on top of their game from the off if you want to be successful on the National scene. Best of luck.

Bob Mckie

April 16, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Club Young Bird Phone-in Sale

The sale is now in full swing with adverts appearing in this week’s National Pigeon Press and also on our website. Please take a few minutes to check out the birds on offer and support your club by getting involved. Happy bidding remember that some excellent winners have been sold in previous years.

McSween & Sexton

This partnership epitomises the quality of fanciers in our club not only in their racing performances but also the support they offer to others. I want to share with you the substance of a recent unsolicited letter received from Tom Williams of Orpington, Kent concerning Dave Mcsween. Without wishing to embarrass Dave I could not ignore the letter received the thrust of which I have paraphrased below.

Tom, wrote to thank Dave for his help which he wanted to highlight as well as his generosity. Having been out of racing for 35 years Tom started racing at the distance with little success. Having read about the partnerships performances from Bourges he eventually telephoned Dave to discuss and congratulate him for his performances. Following this conversation Dave offered Tom some youngsters and sent him 3 young cocks. When put to stock all bred outstanding race birds including Mr Reliable who won 2nd Tours L&SECCC. 277 miles. 2nd Sect 18th Open Bergerac 452 miles, 2nd Sect 16th Open Tarbes 562 miles. Mr Reliable had 8 races from France, never had a night out and is now at stock breeding prize winning youngsters.

Another bird named Seagull by Tom, bred a 1st club 5th fed 11th Combine Poitiers 331 miles also a 76th Open Tarbes, 20th Open Bergerac L&SECC and 1st club from 100 miles (real all-rounder).

The third cock bred him Bob’s 99 who last year was 85th Open NFC Tarbes a very tough race as we know. This was his 5th channel race of the season and was one of 4 sent to the Tarbes race and all four got home.

Tom only races with 12 widowhood cocks, he feeds heavy and races hard. His young birds are not raced but trained 14 times from different places with the Padfield family saying in mind try to lose them”.

Finally Tom says Thanks Dave, you are a real gentleman and what a fantastic club you have up there at the Sportsman. I wish you all the very best for 2016”.


A copy of the 2016 Official Rules of the RPRA can be found in this week’s edition of the BHW. Worth a read, any proposals for the AGM should be past to me sooner rather than later.

NFC Handbook

You can view the 2016 NFC handbook by going to the NFC website.

Bob Mckie

April 9, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Very quiet week and the last few days weather has lived up to the predicted forecast with a limited number of opportunities to grab some training. This is less of an issue for long distance candidates nevertheless it all adds to the real challenge of preparing birds for National events.


Forecast for next week is showing little change and is typical for April. Plenty of east in the wind in the early part of week changing to fresh southerly by end of week. No escaping the showers though, but these don’t appear to be as heavy.

Saturday Club racing

Kicks off this weekend with some organisations delaying race by 24 hours. Hope you all have a good start.

Young Bird sale

Jeff has collated the advert and dispatched to RP / BHW. If you check out this week’s BHW / RP you will see that I did another club article in which the sale was trailed. The sale list has also been posted on the club website giving everyone plenty of time to browse the quality stock available.


Still receiving the odd enquiry from NE lads considering the National scene. Hopefully we could still hit 50 members before the end of this month.

Marking Station for Section N

During the coming months I will look to open negotiations with the Management Committee for our own Section marking station from 2017/18. There are a couple of key issue’s to resolve and I would appreciate members help:

  1. We need to identify 2 or 3 possible suitable locations. These need to be within 5 minutes drive of A1, have good access and decent facilities. Would envisage having to basket on a Wednesday (Tarbes would be Monday) night using NFC baskets which would have to be ferried down to Sheffield before 8.30pm next day.

  2. Names of members willing to help run the marking station. I know this is premature but the principle needs to be flagged now. Without this support we cannot hope to establish our own Section marking station. If you followed the Chichester marking station you will know what I mean. Thankfully a small team has stepped forward to run the station otherwise it would have been closed.

  3. Agreement that Cumbrian Section be offered the choice of using Section N facilities.

  4. Having moved these issue’s forward I would anticipate some central financial support in operating the marking station from the NFC.

I really would appreciate your ideas and thoughts on this issue. My email address is or give me a call/text on my mobile 07828961442.

Bob Mckie

April 2, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

NFC Auction Sale

Check the sale list out on the NFC website there are some quality birds available.

NFC Sections

At this week’s NFC General Meeting the management committee decided to split Section E and create a new Section P. Hope this works out Ok. Looking at social media sites it appears that the creation of Section N is still attracting plenty of comment. All I can say is we are where we are so let’s make the most of it and concentrate on the racing scene.

Annual Youngbird Phone-In Sale

Jeff has been working extremely hard to finalise the advert for our own club Phone in Sale/ I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the sale. I must say that the quality of birds on offer is simply fantastic and provides a real opportunity to buy something special. Some excellent winners have come through the sales in previous years so have fun bidding.

Vanrobaeys Sponsorship

Big thanks to Vanrobaeys once again. I have now collected all the sponsorship prizes from Terry Knox’s warehouse.

Metcheck Weather Forecast

The week ahead looks unsettled although there should be some definite training opportunities. It is still early in terms of potential National candidates nevertheless looking at the forecast over the next couple of weeks

Planning Application

Just had word from Gateshead Planning Department which Refuses” my application to put 2 lofts on agricultural land behind my house. They say in their opinion the proposed development is considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt as it fails to preserve the openness by virtue of the scale, location and appearances of the proposed pigeon loft.” And in addition they state the size of the pigeon lofts would allow the keeping of a substantial number of birds which would have an unacceptable impact, both real and perceived on the residential amenity of surrounding properties by virtue of the number of birds” (I said the numbers will not exceed 72).

I now move on to the appeal stage although it looks like a stacked deck!

Bob Mckie

March 27, 2016

Secretary Weekly Report

RPRA Ring Registration Scheme

I have attached the full response/advice from David Higgins of the RPRA North East Region on this issue which Jim Sexton raised at our last General Meeting:

THE RPRA has had two issues with regards to rings for a number of years and this relates to the increasing sales of NWHU rings. Although it is never admitted their rings appear to be available earlier and earlier each year and this year it was rumoured that some fanciers had rings on youngsters well before Christmas. This is an issue of fairness. The second issue is that NWHU rings are sold all over the country partly because of the early issue but primarily because they are cheaper.

There have been discussions at Council about ways to deal with this for the last two or three years. Latterly it was felt that a uniform kind of arrangement could be agreed via the Confederation but this proved fruitless. Some councillors were aware that the WHPU have been operating a levy on all non WHPU rings for a number of years. This has proved successful in limiting the influx of GB rings into their races and protected sales of their own rings and consequently their finances.

There was a long and hard discussion at the February meeting of the RPRA Council on this subject and in the end there was a majority decision to apply a registration fee to all non GB rings to be raced under RPRA rules. This to come into force on December 1st 2016.

Chris Gordon and I have expressed concern about the impact of this on the growing number of fanciers in the North East who compete in national races and we will continue to do so when it comes up again, as it no doubt will at our October meeting. In the meantime I will be happy to receive any comments and/or suggestions on the matter from your members.


David Higgins.”

So there you have it direct from our Regional Officer and confirming the points made by Jim Sexton. You will all have a view on this issue and I would welcome any comments/suggestions from members and I will compile a response to David, from the Sportsman.

Mid-Week Training

In the last 3 years there has been a training service available from Catterick, Wetherby and Pontefract on Wednesdays and Catterick on a Thursday. Paul, the lad who runs the service will be kicking off again on Wednesday 30th March. He normally starts at Burnopfield (8.00am) picks up at various points including Bowburn before heading down the motorway.

In the last 3 years he has shown himself to be very reliable and keeps you posted of weather and liberation times via text messaging services. For more information just give Paul a call on 07401172427.

Sportsman FC Membership now stands at 45 lofts spread throughout the North-East.

Section N boundaries map

On the Race Info page we’ve posted the map outlining the new Section N boundaries which give you a better understanding of where we stand in relation to neighbouring Sections. If you consider the National race-points it should help members clarify some of their thinking on provides food for thought on race preparation. As I keep telling friends many roads lead to Rome” and you will all have your personal thoughts on the best system.

Keep me posted of anything fresh happening in your area that may affect the Club or be of interest to other members. It won’t be long now before Saturday club racing is in full swing and your adrenalin is pumping. Best of luck to everyone.

Bob Mckie

March 23, 2016

NFC Section N Map

We have added the NFC Section N boundary map to our Race Info page.

March 20, 2016

Secretary Weekly Report

General Meeting held 16/3/16

We had a good turn out with more than 20 members attending from across the North East.

Big thank you to Sunny Jim Nicholson who acted as Chairman in the absence of Tommy Riddle.

Minutes of last general meeting accepted as true record.

Secretary reminded members that Club subs were due. RPRA and NFC fees should be paid direct asap to those organisations.

Jeff Walton gave members an update on this year’s Phone-in Young Bird sale. He asked members to provide breeding details of their pledges and approx. date of readiness before the end of this month. Jeff provided brief detail of young birds already donated by supporters of the club. Once again there will be an array of quality distance stock on offer. The sales list will appear on the club website, Pigeonland as well as in both the BHW and RP.

The Secretary confirmed that Phil Curtis, Chairman of the NFC will be our main guest at the prize presentation night on 19/10/16. After discussion it was agreed that during the course of the presentation night a small, select number of late bred youngsters donated from 2016 winning lofts would be offered for auction. Garry Heslington kindly offered to act as the auctioneer.

A map showing the new Section N boundaries was circulated. Jeff Walton will look to reproduce these on the website.

Malcolm Brown had secured another excellent trophy from Mrs Deweerde and Sons of Belgium. Members agreed it be presented annually to the bird achieving the best National position.


Jim Sexton raised the question of changes of the RPRA introducing a ring tax” on foreign rings before birds could compete in races which are governed by the RPRA. This caused a great amount of consternation given the financial impact with members using NEHU rings. Secretary to take up with Dave Higgins at North East RPRA to seek clarification.

At the close of the meeting club membership stood at 45.


Following the meeting I sent an email to Dave Higgins who confirmed that from 2017 a ring registration system was being introduced at the RPRA. He agreed to get back to me with full information which I will appraise members of once received.

BHW Article (18/3/16) John & Spencer Nicholson

This is an excellent appreciation of their highly successful approach to National/International racing over many years. Many roads lead to Rome” in long distance racing and everyone has their own ideas however, members can glean a great deal from how John & Spencer approach breeding, feeding and race conditioning. They race with a relatively small team which is thoroughly tested keeping things simple. Loft hygiene is extremely important with plenty of natural supplements used, antibiotic use is kept to a minimum. Definitely worth a read.

Bob Mckie

March 13, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

General Meeting Wednesday 16th March (Kick Off 7:45pm)


  1. Minutes of last general meeting

  2. Update on membership numbers

  3. Subscription position in relation to Club, RPRA, NFC

  4. Young Bird Sale: Jeff to provide update and clarify what additional information he needs.

  5. Firm up on Sale advertisements in BHW and RP

  6. Transportation Arrangements

  7. Clock Station arrangements

  8. Annual Presentation Night: Secretary will update members and discuss format options

  9. AOB

Bob Mckie

March 6, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

This has been a quiet week on the club front.

RPRA Club Schedules

The Sportsman FC membership list is completed and was despatched along with payment of club fee and members subscriptions. Would members who did not pay their fees via the club please note that these are now due and should be paid direct.

General Meeting

This will take place on Wednesday the 16th March (kick off at 7:45pm). Anyone interested in joining the club (I have had another couple of enquiries this week) is more than welcome to come along to the meeting to meet everyone and learn more about how we are organised. The meeting agenda will be tabled in next week’s report.

Annual Young Bird Sale

We will finalise details at the next meeting but Jeff Walton would appreciate an early heads-up on details from donors on breeding/and approximate date of readiness of your entries. One of our latest youngbird donations is from Nelson, Hall, Ramm & partners of Bearpark 9x1st WDA, including twice in 2015.

Planning Permission for new lofts

Hit my first objections this week from the Environmental team. Their grounds for objection noise and odour”. Bearing in mind the lofts will be on open agricultural land some 20 plus metres away from my house and others, sharing the field with Highland Cattle, Sheep and Alpacas could not believe the stance adopted. Interesting to see how they develop their arguments when I respond!!!

That’s it for this week.

Bob Mckie


February 27, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Messac Show Race

This week the primary focus has been on the Club Show Race from the Messac National with Jeff looking to determine the number of entries and working closely with John Fellows to ensure we could accommodate the pens.

Show co-ordinator Gary Heslington of Wingate with Showrace Class winnersShow co-ordinator Gary Heslington of Wingate with Showrace Class winners

Garry Heslington, secured the services of Robert Frost from Wheatley Hill as show judge and Tony Edreyner as his steward.

Malcolm Brown provided a great trophy for the Best in Show from his very good friends Mrs Deweerde & Sons of Koetermark, Belgium and Owen Shaw Trophies, kindly donated momentum plaques to the individual winner of each Class.

In the end we had a smashing turn out today with 17 members showing a total of 59 birds (31 Hens/ 28 Cocks). The quality of birds on show was excellent.

Best in show 1st Hens - Terry Unsworth of WingateBest in show 1st Hens - Terry Unsworth of Wingate

Winning the Hen’s class and Best in Show with a superb 4 year old Cheq and white was Terry Unsworth, a close 2nd Tom Cuthbertson with a sweet 2year old Blue and in 3rd place with a cracking 4 year-old Dark hen we had the ever young Jim Nicholson.

1st prize Cocks - Gordon Clark of Blackhall1st prize Cocks - Gordon Clark of Blackhall

The Cock’s class was won by Gordon Clark with a cracking 3 year old Blue, just stopping Terry Unsworth doing the double who was 2nd with a smart three year old chequer and 3rd were Armstrong, Shergold, Johnson and Moon with a great looking two year old chequer.

The total prize pot came to £295 split 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%. And in the £10 Single Nom winner take all £140.

Everyone enjoyed a great afternoon and as the judging was taking place our hosts Belle and John provided a great spread of sandwiches to go with the excellent pint of ale they serve. Several of our new members were in attendance. They were all made welcome and given the opportunity to learn more about how the club operated.

Sportsman FC Messac showrace entrantsSportsman FC Messac showrace entrants

Overall this was an excellent event, with great support, excellent prize money, some superb birds on show and a friendly social atmosphere throughout the afternoon. Very big thank you to the judge Robert and his partner in crime Tony. Also to Jeff Walton, John Fellows, Paul Fullard and Garry Heslington for all the hard work in organising the event.

Many thanks to Dean Bank Homing Society for loaning the Sportsman FC their show pens and trays. We hope DBHS have successful Breeder Buyer sales on Saturdays 5th & 12th March.

Members waiting for the show resultMembers waiting for the show result


The brave decision of the NFC Management Committee to create a new Section N was a major boost to National racing in the North East. By close of play on Saturday the 27th Sportsman FC membership has reached 44. The latest to join the club are Mick Fantarrow from Stanley, Robert Westgarth, also from Stanley, Stephen Barrows of Middlesbrough, Thurlow and Strong Sunderland, and Allan Walker of Stockton. Can we hit the 50 mark before the Season starts? This is a real challenge but I know there are other lofts thinking of joining us. So as I said last week if you know anyone thinking about joining just give them a nudge!!

Farm Beans

Esp-Green Farm Iveston, on the Lanchester Road has locally grown Tic Beans available at £6 for 25 Kilo bags. Just ask for Dave, Mobile 07831279669.

Young Bird Sale

As mentioned last week Jeff, is already collating the Sale’s List which is starting to look very impressive indeed with birds pledged from among others, Barry Winter 1st Open Tarbes in 2012, Nick Adshead who has numerous top Open NFC positions, Phil Curtis (NFC Chairman) who had a cracking season last year in both the BICC and NFC. Paul Stobbs and partners who have a stock loft full of UNC and Amalgamation winners which are breeding winners in many parts of the UK, Europe and across the world.

Greyhound Racing

I see this issue came under Political scrutiny again this week with calls for the Association of Bookmakers to do more by way of contributing to the re-homing of retired dogs. There were even calls from some quarters for greyhound racing to be banned altogether. The Sport of Racing Pigeons cannot ignore these constant hostile attacks and we all need to ensure we do nothing to give these spectators the ammunition which would create unwanted attention in our sport. I have kept retired greyhounds for some 18 years now. They make great family pets, don’t need a great deal of exercise, are excellent with children and all round good company. I would highly recommend them if you are looking for a new house-mate. Be warned they make lousy guard dogs!!

Bob Mckie

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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