Rules and Constitution of
The objectives of the club
- The club was formed as a non-profit making organisation in October 2010. Its aims being to promote national pigeon racing across the North East of England.
Any persons are eligible to fly in the club providing their racing loft is sited within the boundary of Section N of the National Flying Club(NFC). In accordance with the rules of the NFC members must also be affiliated to the Royal Pigeon Racing Association (RPRA) before competing in NFC events. Members affiliated but not paid up cannotvote on Sportsman club business.
Applications to join the club must be dated and submitted to the Secretary providing:-
Applicants name, address telephone number and email address as well as confirmation of their CPH number.
The applicant has been given and read a copy of these rules, supports the objectives of the club and agrees to be bound by the rules immediately upon admission to membership.
The applicant consents to the holding of relevant data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018.
- Applications to join the club must be approved at a General Meeting of the club.
Officers and their Duties
- The club has the following Officers, who are elected by the members at annual intervals and form the Club Executive Committee.
Chairperson-who chairs all General and Annual General Meetings (AGM).
Secretary-who is responsible for maintaining the books including Members Register (containing the names and contact details of every member which they supply) and the taking of all minutes at all General and Annual General Meetings.
Treasurer-who ensures that the financial affairs of the club are kept in good order. That Annual accounts and a financial report are prepared and submitted to the members for the AGM.
Executive Committee (EC)
- Responsibility for the day to day running rests with the EC. and has the following powers and responsibilities:
- Taking action to resolve any emergency situations,
(b)Preparation of the AGM outlining both current and possible future activities and annexing the Annual Accounts and Treasurer’s financial report.
Financial Year and Accounts
- The club financial year ends on the 15th December. An income and expenditure account must be made for that year and the balance sheet struck at that date.
Membership and Subscriptions
The membership subscription is £20 for each calendar year and must be paid by the end of February. Future levels of subscriptions may only be changed by a resolution passed at the AGM.
Membership is automatically continued each year unless:-
the member resigns in writing, by email or text to the Secretarybefore the AGM or,
the member fails to pay the annual subscription by the end of February when the member will be deemed as having resigned.
Disciplinary Offence
Any member who is in serious or persistent breach of the club rules which in the opinion of the EC bring the reputation of the clubinto disrepute may face disciplinary action including expulsion from the club.
All rights and interests in the club and its property ceaseimmediately on termination of membership by resignation, expulsion and death.
AGM/General Meetings of Members
- An AGM and General Meeting of all members must be held before the end of February each year and called by the Secretary with 14 day’s written notice to the members stating before the date, time and place of the meeting. The business will include:-
- The treasurers Report, and the annual accounts for the previous year ending the 15th December and its approval.
(b)Consideration of the Executive Annual report.
Election of Committee Officials and
Resolution of any proposals submitted for consideration.
At any time the EC can call for the Secretary to arrange a Special Meeting if requested by 5 members or more. In granting the request all members to be given 14 days’ notice of the meeting along with brief details behind the request. Minutes of the meeting will be taken and made available to the members.
Resolutions and all other decisions at all General, EC and any committee meeting are passed and made if so voted by a majority of those members present and eligible to vote when it is taken. Voting is at the discretion of the Chair and can be taken by a show of hands or by ballot. Proxies are not allowed.
Amendments to Rules
- These rules may be amended by a resolution in a General Meetingpassed by a majority of 50% of the members present and voting when the vote is taken.
The club may be dissolved by a resolution passed by strictly more than 50% of the members present when the vote is taken and at least 50% of the total membership is present at the time of voting.
In the event of the club being dissolved and once all outstanding liabilities are discharged any funds left remaining to be donated to a charity of the members choosing.