March 20, 2016

Secretary Weekly Report

General Meeting held 16/3/16

We had a good turn out with more than 20 members attending from across the North East.

Big thank you to Sunny Jim Nicholson who acted as Chairman in the absence of Tommy Riddle.

Minutes of last general meeting accepted as true record.

Secretary reminded members that Club subs were due. RPRA and NFC fees should be paid direct asap to those organisations.

Jeff Walton gave members an update on this year’s Phone-in Young Bird sale. He asked members to provide breeding details of their pledges and approx. date of readiness before the end of this month. Jeff provided brief detail of young birds already donated by supporters of the club. Once again there will be an array of quality distance stock on offer. The sales list will appear on the club website, Pigeonland as well as in both the BHW and RP.

The Secretary confirmed that Phil Curtis, Chairman of the NFC will be our main guest at the prize presentation night on 19/10/16. After discussion it was agreed that during the course of the presentation night a small, select number of late bred youngsters donated from 2016 winning lofts would be offered for auction. Garry Heslington kindly offered to act as the auctioneer.

A map showing the new Section N boundaries was circulated. Jeff Walton will look to reproduce these on the website.

Malcolm Brown had secured another excellent trophy from Mrs Deweerde and Sons of Belgium. Members agreed it be presented annually to the bird achieving the best National position.


Jim Sexton raised the question of changes of the RPRA introducing a ring tax” on foreign rings before birds could compete in races which are governed by the RPRA. This caused a great amount of consternation given the financial impact with members using NEHU rings. Secretary to take up with Dave Higgins at North East RPRA to seek clarification.

At the close of the meeting club membership stood at 45.


Following the meeting I sent an email to Dave Higgins who confirmed that from 2017 a ring registration system was being introduced at the RPRA. He agreed to get back to me with full information which I will appraise members of once received.

BHW Article (18/3/16) John & Spencer Nicholson

This is an excellent appreciation of their highly successful approach to National/International racing over many years. Many roads lead to Rome” in long distance racing and everyone has their own ideas however, members can glean a great deal from how John & Spencer approach breeding, feeding and race conditioning. They race with a relatively small team which is thoroughly tested keeping things simple. Loft hygiene is extremely important with plenty of natural supplements used, antibiotic use is kept to a minimum. Definitely worth a read.

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report Agenda: Minutes of last general meeting Update on membership numbers Subscription position in relation to Club, RPRA, NFC Young Bird Sale: Jeff
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NFC Section N Map We have added the NFC Section N boundary map to our Race Info page.

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The National Flying Club


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