April 2, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

NFC Auction Sale

Check the sale list out on the NFC website there are some quality birds available.

NFC Sections

At this week’s NFC General Meeting the management committee decided to split Section E and create a new Section P. Hope this works out Ok. Looking at social media sites it appears that the creation of Section N is still attracting plenty of comment. All I can say is we are where we are so let’s make the most of it and concentrate on the racing scene.

Annual Youngbird Phone-In Sale

Jeff has been working extremely hard to finalise the advert for our own club Phone in Sale/ I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the sale. I must say that the quality of birds on offer is simply fantastic and provides a real opportunity to buy something special. Some excellent winners have come through the sales in previous years so have fun bidding.

Vanrobaeys Sponsorship

Big thanks to Vanrobaeys once again. I have now collected all the sponsorship prizes from Terry Knox’s warehouse.

Metcheck Weather Forecast

The week ahead looks unsettled although there should be some definite training opportunities. It is still early in terms of potential National candidates nevertheless looking at the forecast over the next couple of weeks

Planning Application

Just had word from Gateshead Planning Department which Refuses” my application to put 2 lofts on agricultural land behind my house. They say in their opinion the proposed development is considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt as it fails to preserve the openness by virtue of the scale, location and appearances of the proposed pigeon loft.” And in addition they state the size of the pigeon lofts would allow the keeping of a substantial number of birds which would have an unacceptable impact, both real and perceived on the residential amenity of surrounding properties by virtue of the number of birds” (I said the numbers will not exceed 72).

I now move on to the appeal stage although it looks like a stacked deck!

Bob Mckie

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Secretary Weekly Report I have attached the full response/advice from David Higgins of the RPRA North East Region on this issue which Jim Sexton raised at our last General
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Secretary’s Weekly Report Very quiet week and the last few days weather has lived up to the predicted forecast with a limited number of opportunities to grab some training.

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
