April 9, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Very quiet week and the last few days weather has lived up to the predicted forecast with a limited number of opportunities to grab some training. This is less of an issue for long distance candidates nevertheless it all adds to the real challenge of preparing birds for National events.


Forecast for next week is showing little change and is typical for April. Plenty of east in the wind in the early part of week changing to fresh southerly by end of week. No escaping the showers though, but these don’t appear to be as heavy.

Saturday Club racing

Kicks off this weekend with some organisations delaying race by 24 hours. Hope you all have a good start.

Young Bird sale

Jeff has collated the advert and dispatched to RP / BHW. If you check out this week’s BHW / RP you will see that I did another club article in which the sale was trailed. The sale list has also been posted on the club website giving everyone plenty of time to browse the quality stock available.


Still receiving the odd enquiry from NE lads considering the National scene. Hopefully we could still hit 50 members before the end of this month.

Marking Station for Section N

During the coming months I will look to open negotiations with the Management Committee for our own Section marking station from 2017/18. There are a couple of key issue’s to resolve and I would appreciate members help:

  1. We need to identify 2 or 3 possible suitable locations. These need to be within 5 minutes drive of A1, have good access and decent facilities. Would envisage having to basket on a Wednesday (Tarbes would be Monday) night using NFC baskets which would have to be ferried down to Sheffield before 8.30pm next day.

  2. Names of members willing to help run the marking station. I know this is premature but the principle needs to be flagged now. Without this support we cannot hope to establish our own Section marking station. If you followed the Chichester marking station you will know what I mean. Thankfully a small team has stepped forward to run the station otherwise it would have been closed.

  3. Agreement that Cumbrian Section be offered the choice of using Section N facilities.

  4. Having moved these issue’s forward I would anticipate some central financial support in operating the marking station from the NFC.

I really would appreciate your ideas and thoughts on this issue. My email address is bmckie@tiscali.co.uk or give me a call/text on my mobile 07828961442.

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report Check the sale list out on the NFC website there are some quality birds available. At this week’s NFC General Meeting the management committee
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Secretary’s Weekly Report The sale is now in full swing with adverts appearing in this week’s National Pigeon Press and also on our website. Please take a few minutes to

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