March 27, 2016

Secretary Weekly Report

RPRA Ring Registration Scheme

I have attached the full response/advice from David Higgins of the RPRA North East Region on this issue which Jim Sexton raised at our last General Meeting:

THE RPRA has had two issues with regards to rings for a number of years and this relates to the increasing sales of NWHU rings. Although it is never admitted their rings appear to be available earlier and earlier each year and this year it was rumoured that some fanciers had rings on youngsters well before Christmas. This is an issue of fairness. The second issue is that NWHU rings are sold all over the country partly because of the early issue but primarily because they are cheaper.

There have been discussions at Council about ways to deal with this for the last two or three years. Latterly it was felt that a uniform kind of arrangement could be agreed via the Confederation but this proved fruitless. Some councillors were aware that the WHPU have been operating a levy on all non WHPU rings for a number of years. This has proved successful in limiting the influx of GB rings into their races and protected sales of their own rings and consequently their finances.

There was a long and hard discussion at the February meeting of the RPRA Council on this subject and in the end there was a majority decision to apply a registration fee to all non GB rings to be raced under RPRA rules. This to come into force on December 1st 2016.

Chris Gordon and I have expressed concern about the impact of this on the growing number of fanciers in the North East who compete in national races and we will continue to do so when it comes up again, as it no doubt will at our October meeting. In the meantime I will be happy to receive any comments and/or suggestions on the matter from your members.


David Higgins.”

So there you have it direct from our Regional Officer and confirming the points made by Jim Sexton. You will all have a view on this issue and I would welcome any comments/suggestions from members and I will compile a response to David, from the Sportsman.

Mid-Week Training

In the last 3 years there has been a training service available from Catterick, Wetherby and Pontefract on Wednesdays and Catterick on a Thursday. Paul, the lad who runs the service will be kicking off again on Wednesday 30th March. He normally starts at Burnopfield (8.00am) picks up at various points including Bowburn before heading down the motorway.

In the last 3 years he has shown himself to be very reliable and keeps you posted of weather and liberation times via text messaging services. For more information just give Paul a call on 07401172427.

Sportsman FC Membership now stands at 45 lofts spread throughout the North-East.

Section N boundaries map

On the Race Info page we’ve posted the map outlining the new Section N boundaries which give you a better understanding of where we stand in relation to neighbouring Sections. If you consider the National race-points it should help members clarify some of their thinking on provides food for thought on race preparation. As I keep telling friends many roads lead to Rome” and you will all have your personal thoughts on the best system.

Keep me posted of anything fresh happening in your area that may affect the Club or be of interest to other members. It won’t be long now before Saturday club racing is in full swing and your adrenalin is pumping. Best of luck to everyone.

Bob Mckie

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NFC Section N Map We have added the NFC Section N boundary map to our Race Info page.
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Secretary’s Weekly Report Check the sale list out on the NFC website there are some quality birds available. At this week’s NFC General Meeting the management committee

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