Secretary’s Weekly Report
Annual Phone-In Young Bird Sale
Well what another busy week for Jeff Walton who planned, co-ordinated, and managed the Annual Sale. This task is not without its pressures, normally you experience a steady build up during the first few days of the sale with a crescendo of activity in the final hour. With 31 lots to manage it is always going to be somewhat frenetic at times. Many thanks to Jeff and the club members who helped him John Fellows, Gary Heslington, Paul Fullard and Matthew Walton who designed and manages the Sportsman FC website.
The success of the sale is dependent on the quality of youngsters donated and the bidder participation. And as usual we were not let down on either account, some fantastically well-bred babies given without hesitation by members and club supporters. It is a measure of the clubs reputation that bids were received from across the UK and we wish all successful bidders the very best with their purchases. Also to the many others who bid but were not successful this time. A big “thank you” for helping to make the sale such a success.
NFC Business
Check out the NFC website if you have not already done so. You will see the latest initiative which invites members to comment on matters that really matter. It allows members to make suggestions for improvement and is all aimed at involving members in shaping club improvements.
Next the new “Champion of Champions League” which is being launched by the NFC this coming season. This competition will be competed for over the first five old bird races through a series of nominations by members who will have to nominate five birds in each race and a nominated bird will have to finish in the top 10% of their section to gain points. These points accumulate over the season and the fancier at the top of the table wins a new motor car sponsored by Hartwells. At a time when many businesses are struggling and under pressure to make efficiencies this continued sponsorship deal is most generous and should be applauded. The competition will be fully outlined in the annual handbook which should be with you shortly.
There is a second new car being sponsored for the Tarbes National race. This is a joint venture between Hartwells, Mark Gilbert and Eamon Kelly. Another fantastic gesture of generosity.
One or two members may have experienced some problems when attempting to log-on to the NFC website. It is hoped that these issue’s will be sorted shortly but let me know if you have any continued problems and I will chase these up with Sid Barkel.
Fougeres National 28th May
In just over a month we will soon be in the thick of the national race programme. Hopefully and despite the changeable weather you will have got the necessary training and race preparation in hand for your charges. There is no room for error in the birds preparation and they need to be on top of their game from the off if you want to be successful on the National scene. Best of luck.
Bob Mckie