April 2, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

General Meeting will be held this coming Wednesday the 5th April (Kick Off 7.45pm)

Elimar Website

Take a look at the website and read the latest Jim Emerton interview with yours truly. All about distance racing in the North East, and raising the profile of the Sportsman FC. Hope you enjoy the read.

Young Bird Phone-in” Sale

Jeff is in the process of finalising the sales list. Please take time to study the birds on offer. There is no doubt that the young birds are class and will make great addition to our lofts. Once again we have had tremendous support from both members and supporters of the club. The advert will appear in the BHW so don’t be shy in bidding.

Bob Mckie


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Calling all North East Fanciers interested in National Racing The National Flying Club created a new Section N for the North East in 2016 and has now confirmed a Marking Station will operate at Bowburn for the
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Secretary’s Weekly Report There was another excellent turn-out for meeting which went smoothly and in good spirit. 3 more new applications for membership were received and

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
