March 26, 2017

Calling all North East Fanciers interested in National Racing

The National Flying Club created a new Section N for the North East in 2016 and has now confirmed a Marking Station will operate at Bowburn for the first 3 races in their 2017 Programme.

This decision has removed the major problem of accessibility and gives anyone interested in flying against the rest of UK fanciers an opportunity to compete.

The Sportsman FC at Toft Hill was created with the intent of bringing NFC racing to the North East. However you don’t have to be a member to compete in NFC and if you do fancy testing your birds and skills against the best in the UK there is still time to join us for 2017 and use the new marking station.

However the benefits to joining the Sportsman are numerous not least the friendships and support given to all. We all share in each others success and remain strong in raising the profile of distance racing. We attract excellent support from sponsors and where necessary will arrange for birds to be ferried-in to Sheffield Marking Station in the extreme distance events when entry numbers do not justify the financial cost of sending a transporter this far North.

Of course National racing is not for everyone and many are put off by the thought of losing birds. It is true that you take some knocks but it is a real test of management skills to prepare your birds for these testing races. Fast pigeons that simply follow the crowd often fail miserably when switched to national racing and yet really good” pigeons do respond to the challenge. One thing for sure is that the Transporters used are top quality and your entries are exceptionally well looked after. When they return from a race their condition is invariably excellent.

So if you think your up for the challenge why not join the National Flying Club and have a go. Once you have experienced a couple of races I can assure you that many will be hooked!!

For more information just give me a call.

Bob Mckie (Mobile 07828961442)

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Secretary’s Weekly Report On Wednesday night I had a get together with one or two members to sort out the requirements of the Marking Station. Everything is in hand and I
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Secretary’s Weekly Report General Meeting will be held this coming Wednesday the 5th April (Kick Off 7.45pm) Take a look at the website and read the latest Jim Emerton

Competing in
The National Flying Club


Sponsored by
The House of Aarden
