April 9, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

General Meeting 5/4/17

There was another excellent turn-out for meeting which went smoothly and in good spirit.

3 more new applications for membership were received and approved.

Jeff Walton is in the lead on the Young Bird Phone-In” sale which was fully discussed. Advert to appear in BHW on Friday 14th April. There will be 31 lots of top quality young birds donated by members and friends of the club from across the UK. Sale starts Saturday the 15th and comes to a conclusion at 9.00pm on Thursday the 20th. John Fellows will be supporting Jeff in the bidding process.


Had informed clubs on Wednesday that Defra had reported the lifting of all restriction Avian Flu zones in the UK. Pigeon racing can proceed as usual in the UK. Vigilance is still essential along with effective Bio-Security arrangements.

The situation across Europe is still vexed with 2 new outbreaks in the Netherlands and both Belgium and France have restriction zones in place.

Section N Marking Station at Bowburn

This was fully discussed with some constructive comments being discussed. It is down to the membership to make this a success and we agreed that flexibility was essential.

Local Clock Stations

These will be operated at Sunderland, Ferryhill WMC, Stockton and Toft Hill. Greenside is no longer viable.

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report General Meeting will be held this coming Wednesday the 5th April (Kick Off 7.45pm) Take a look at the website and read the latest Jim Emerton
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Secretary’s Weekly Report The Club Phone-In sale starts today as advertised in the BHW. As mentioned at the General Meeting we have a fantastic range of youngsters on offer

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The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
