March 12, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Longitude & Latitudes

I have requested these from some of our new members and would be grateful if you could forward to me asap if not already submitted.


If you have not done so take a couple of minutes to check out the Sportsman FC article. The photographs of the NFC Transporter are impressive.

Vanrobaeys BE

Since the AGM I have had confirmation that they will for the 3rd season running, sponsor the Club. This is simply brilliant and we will continue to promote Vanrobaeys throughout 2017.

Young Bird Auction

Would members who are donating to this year’s event please let Jeff have brief breeding details of their bird(s).

Avian Flu

I have had no reports of fresh outbreaks from the RPRA. Hopefully the worst is over for the UK. There remain concerns about other parts of the EU not least France –lets hope this is arrested sooner than later.

Annual Subscriptions

Would members please ensure that these have been paid as soon as possible. Also your NFC and RPRA fees.

NFC Annual Young Bird Auction

This has now gone live and there are some well-bred youngsters on offer. Check out the advert in the BHW/RP this week also the NFC Website.

T3 Testing

Would those members intending to use T3 clocks this season make sure that they have been tested before racing starts.

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report This has been a busy week what with the AGM and sorting out wider NFC issues. This was well attended with more than 50% of members making the
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Secretary’s Weekly Report On Wednesday night I had a get together with one or two members to sort out the requirements of the Marking Station. Everything is in hand and I

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