February 26, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

This has been a busy week what with the AGM and sorting out wider NFC issues.

AGM Wednesday 22/2/17

This was well attended with more than 50% of members making the journey to Toft Hill to be there and generally speaking all went relatively well.

Jim Nicholson took the Chair in the absence of Tom Riddle who was unable to attend due to NEHU Appeals business. The members showed their respect with a minutes silence for Dave Pinkney and Fred Mcluskey who both passed away in 2016. (Fred Mcluskey will continue to be remembered in the club with the change in partnership name of Thurlow & Strong to Thurlow Strong & McCluskey.)

Jim quickly moved ahead with Agenda items, the Minutes of 2016 AGM being accepted as a true record.

The strong balance sheet was accepted without questions.

There were a small number of resignations which were accepted and new applications more or less balanced the overall membership number out. We start 2017 with in excess of 40 members. Further applications will be considered up to the end of April.

When it came to Election of Officials we saw Jeff Walton take over as Chairman from Tom Riddle for 2017. Bob Mckie remains as Secretary/Treasurer. Jeff will incorporate his work as Events Secretary into the Chairman role.

2017 Club Subs £20 a loft.

Race Prize money and averages remain as 2016.

Sponsorship-remains an important issue to the Club. The Secretary is in discussion with Vanrobaeys and will keep members advised of developments.

Paul Stobbs, Stonehaven Lofts, will once again sponsor the Ancenis National with £100 for the race winner.

The Chairman and Secretary will continue to look for more Sponsorship opportunities.

The 2017 Payout will take place at the Sportsman on Wednesday 16th October 2017. (Get this down in your diary now!) Event will be organised the same as in previous years. There was a lively discussion on possible guests which the Secretary will follow up on. Members agreed to meet expenses such as Hotel costs if the main guest had to incur a long journey to be with us.

Spring Y/B Sale will be organised and run in mid-late April. Jeff Walton to take the lead as usual. Jeff suggested a slightly different approach which members accepted. This is aimed at reducing the pressure in the closing stages of the auction and removing the possibility of errors.

Members also agreed that we should run a small sale of Y/Bs on Payout night with a commitment from the membership that our Club winners would present a late bred to the auction.

NFC Business

There was some excellent news shared with members about progress on a Section N Marking Station (MS). The Secretary was just awaiting the green light from the NFC to open a MS at Bowburn with Transporter in attendance. (3x1st Nationals only).

Full approval came through for this on Friday last and details have already been announced-Great News!!

There was also discussion about Local Clock Stations -Toft Hill, Sunderland were confirmed. Alan Walker informed the meeting about good progress had been made for a station in Stockton which looks like a goer. Secretary will work with Alan to help make this happen.

Since the meeting we have acquired 2x T3s which will be sent to Linells for service and new batteries. These will be used as Master Timers.


Jim Nicholson gave a brief background as to why he may miss some racing in July this year. Yes after 60 years of marriage he is fulfilling a promise to his wife that they would have a holiday in the middle of racing season. Nice one Jim.

Bob Mckie / Jeff Walton

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News Flash To All Sportsman FC Members It has been confirmed today that Section N will have its own dedicated marking station for the first three National
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Secretary’s Weekly Report I have requested these from some of our new members and would be grateful if you could forward to me asap if not already submitted. If you have not

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