May 28, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Fougeres National

Well after four nights in the basket the NFC convoy of 8,250 birds were liberated at 8.00 am in a light South-South-East wind.

Sportsman members had entered over 150 birds which was somewhat disappointing although the race may have come a couple of weeks early for some lofts to have the birds conditioning in order.

Based on recent experience a reasonably fast race was expected. The real disappointment in my view was the absence of the NFC Website flagging up early arrivals. It is essential that we get this re-instated for next season notwithstanding the security issue the management officials and members must realise that in this era of new technology the gap will be filled. I would rather see the NFC driving this than a rogue website.

Remember if someone is going to commit fraud and try fiddling the display of early arrival times will have minimum impact if Marking Stations are managed efficiently and procedures are correctly followed.

Back to the race and what an excellent event it was for our Chairman Jeff Walton who timed 3 early birds and provisionally these will all be in the first 10 of the Sportsman result, including 1st and 3rd position. In addition his first bird is provisionally standing 2nd Section N.

In 2nd place with an excellent bird were Dave McSween and Jim Sexton of Silksworth.

4th position, yours truly Bob Mckie. At Stockton and 5th club were John & Steven Best.

Several members timed in decent birds which will live to fight another day. Overall the race was satisfactory with around 50% returns.

Jeff wins the Vanrobaey Feeds sponsorship prizes of various products and 2 bags of their young bird mixture. Interestingly Jeff has been using a variety of Vanrobaey Premium mixes this season and is well pleased with the results.

He also wins the £50 sponsorship prize from Oxhill Garage, Stanley (Many thanks to Mick Fantarrow for his support).

I must send congratulations to the Anderson family at Washington, who not only win Section N but also had a total of 7 birds in the clock I believe. All of which will figure prominently in the final Section N result.

Ancenis National

Once started the National races seem to arrive rapidly so don’t forget your entry forms etc.

Hope to see everyone at Bowburn on Wednesday night and even if you are not racing helpers are really welcome.

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report Well that’s the first Bowburn Marking Station completed and overall it didn’t go that badly. The hall we have tapped into is first class, quite
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NFC Messac substitute for Ancenis Nat 6,815 birds entered nationally After a very demanding race here is our club’s provisional result Jim Nicholson of South Shields 1st Sportsman FC, 1st NFC Section N, provisionally

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The National Flying Club


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