May 20, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Race marking for Fougeres National

Well that’s the first Bowburn Marking Station completed and overall it didn’t go that badly.

The hall we have tapped into is first class, quite spacious, and accessible with reasonable parking for all. There are parking spaces behind the main Community Centre which we can use more of in future if required.

The transporter was a little late in arriving due to heavy traffic but to his credit Bob, the driver kept me informed. He was able to park up, unload and load the crates quite easily and it is only a short walk from the hall to the vehicle.

Big thank you to all the members who acted as helpers. It does require quite a number to people complete the marking task especially with the tight security arrangements in operation. Barrie Blackett was in attendance early to set up the ETS which worked well. And the traditional task of rubbers was efficiently overseen by Jim Nicholson assisted by Jim Sexton & Colin Walker.

No doubt we will get better in future as we work smarter. Hopefully the same helpers will be in attendance next time and build on their experience.

Once again thanks.

The fanciers from Section O and K were also very supportive. One thing we learned is that for Unikon Profi system we need a larger base station as the Champ hardware is too small for the pocket clocks.

Race Day 20th May

As we know the birds were held-over because of the weather (as were MNFC) and to be fair I thought it was a good call. Check out the website for up to date weather forecasts if you don’t already. It is pretty impressive. Sunday looks a much better day and there is every chance given the forecast that Section N birds are in with a shout. So the best of luck to everyone.

Bob Mckie


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Secretary’s Weekly Report Check out the latest article raising the clubs profile in this weeks BHW. I understand that the RPRA have stated that with NFC & MNFC 2017 rings
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Secretary’s Weekly Report Well after four nights in the basket the NFC convoy of 8,250 birds were liberated at 8.00 am in a light South-South-East wind. Sportsman members had

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