February 28, 2018

Sportsman FC (NFC) 2018 AGM

Our AGM was held at our Club HQ Toft Hill, on Wednesday the 21st February. As always despite members having extensive journeys the attendance was excellent (75%).

Chairman, Jeff Walton got the meeting underway and for the most part business was handled briskly, in good humour and with the clear objective of enhancing the Club.

Members were updated on the procurement of a new building which would act as the Section N, Marking Station, from 2018 onward. This was scheduled to be in place by the end of March which would also enable our friends in the Toft Hill Saturday club to take advantage of.

Regarding the job of ferrying the birds to Sheffield the Secretary explained that after discussions with several parties he recommended that we go with the offer from Steven Best which was agreed. The Secretary will finalise these arrangements and liaise with the NFC Treasurer about support toward ferrying-in costs.

Annual Balance Sheet

The club remains in a strong position but the purchase of the new marking station building will bring pressure on the club for 2018. Nevertheless this initiative is seen as a positive development for the club and National racing in the North East for years to come. The balance sheet was accepted.


Officials were confirmed as 2017.


We had 5 resignations and 1 new application all were accepted. There are however a number of parties expressing an interest in joining the club for 2018 and more applications will be welcomed. We had a couple of changes in membership names resulting from existing lofts taking on new partners and these were unanimously accepted.

We therefore kick off the season with over 40 lofts and more than 50 members.

Local Clock Stations

  • Sunderland (Dave McSween i/c)
  • Stockton (Alan Walker i/c)
  • Ferryhill (John Fellows/Jeff Walton/ i/c)
  • Toft Hill (Barrie Blackett/Bob Mckie i/c)

Club Subscriptions

Remain as in previous season at £20 per loft.


The Chairman re-iterated how important sponsorship was to the success of the club and expressed our thanks for the great support we have had in recent years from a range of Individuals and Business. He was delighted to confirm that in 2018 Paul Stobbs (Stonehaven Lofts) and Brian Ford would again sponsor the club.

The Secretary confirmed he was in discussion with Tom Demeester at Vanrobaey Feeds and others about possible deals, members will be kept informed of developments.

Jeff Walton confirmed that all club race winners would receive a framed photograph.

Members to let Secretary know of any other possible sponsors which he would be happy to contact.

2018 Phone-In Young Bird sale

It was agreed that the Chairman would co-ordinate on the same lines as in previous years. The sale will happen in the 3rd week of April. Members were asked to provide Jeff with details of youngsters being donated asap.

As in previous seasons we will have brilliant support from several top UK Distance lofts including, Nick Adshead, House of Aarden, Mark Bulled, Barry & Peter Winter, Peter Virtue, Gavin (Goose) Graham, Paul Stobbs, Dougie Henderson, with more in the pipeline which should make this one of the top long distance club young bird sales of the season.

2018 Prize Presentation

Members agreed the timing of mid-October with the same format as last year. Secretary will check out availability of possible main guests before firming-up on date.

Bob Pinkerton Cancer Sale

Every year on Easter Monday Bob organises a young bird sale the proceeds of which go to the RVI Children’s Cancer Ward. In the last 20 years these auctions have raised well in excess of £50k a fabulous effort. Bob has approached the club to see if any members would like to donate a young bird(s) this year. The Secretary will be happy to co-ordinate and members were asked to contact him with details of any donations to this good cause.

Donors confirmed so far:-Brian Caley, McSween & Sexton, Jeff Walton & Son and Bob Mckie. Barrie Blackett, Jim Nicholson, Malcolm, Heslington & Jones, Thurlow, Strong, Fisher & McCluskey


Jim Nicholson, offered to take full responsibility on race marking nights to ensure all crates were properly watered-up. Secretary to purchase necessary drinkers.

Gary Heslington, raised the issue of a Show race. The matter was deferred until a later meeting. With the new marking station facilities it is a strong possibility that we could run a Show(s) for the 2019 season.

This concluded the meeting which was then closed.

Bob Mckie Secretary - Mobile 07828961442

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Sportsman AGM Just a quick reminder to all members that our AGM will take place at the Club HQ on Wednesday the 21st February (Kick-Off 7.45pm). Copies of the
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General Meeting on Wednesday 4th April at HQ Toft Hill (Kick-Off 7.45pm) Issue’s to follow up from AGM including: Marking Station (Kitting out) Finalising Bird of Year arrangements Presentation Night Club Young Bird

Competing in
The National Flying Club


Sponsored by
The House of Aarden
