February 3, 2018

Sportsman AGM

Just a quick reminder to all members that our AGM will take place at the Club HQ on Wednesday the 21st February (Kick-Off 7.45pm).

Copies of the Agenda and Balance Sheet will be posted out next week.

If you know of any fanciers in the North East interested in having a go at the Nationals please encourage them to come and join us - tell them they won’t regret it if they fancy a challenge.

Bob Mckie

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NFC Annual General Meeting Dear Members, Jim Sexton and I attended the meeting at Alverley, in Shropshire where we were both elected onto the NFC Committee as Section N
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Sportsman FC (NFC) 2018 AGM Our AGM was held at our Club HQ Toft Hill, on Wednesday the 21st February. As always despite members having extensive journeys the attendance was

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