February 12, 2017

Secretary’s Weekly Report


On the 28th January my daughter Laura and I were guests of the SNRPC for their Prize Presentation evening at the Cairn Hotel in Bathgate. Also in the audience were Tom Riddle, Robert Dawson and their wives. This is one of the premier National clubs in the UK who put up some outstanding performances every year.

We were made most welcome and there was a great deal of interest in what the Sportsman lads were trying to do regarding National racing. It would not surprise me if we were to see a resurgence in NFC racing across Scotland the main issue is transporting to the Marking Station which would be greatly eased if Section N were able to establish one. As to the event it was most enjoyable — our friends in the SNRPC really do know how to enjoy themselves and the atmosphere was fun and very friendly throughout.

During the presentation there was a special award to David Power, NEHU Secretary who was made an honorary member of the SNRPC.

I will certainly make a point of attending future events to this well organised club.

NFC Business

Jeff and I have been actively following up on the Marking Station issue. Now that we have agreement from the NFC Management Committee to establish a section marking station the difficult job is to find the right location. This is not easy and we are pushing the NFC to have the transporter come North on the Wednesday night for basketing rather than ferrying birds down to Sheffield. Phil Curtis has agreed to discuss with the transport company what the practical and financial implications will be. Hopefully we will have more information by the AGM.

The other question we have for members is, are you having any difficulties in sorting any issues out with the NFC i.e. distances, handbooks etc. Please let me know and I will take the matters up with Sid Barkel.

2017 Sportsman FC AGM

This is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd February (Kick-Off 7.30pm) at the Sportsman Inn Tofthill

Agenda etc will be sent out to all members this coming week.

Bob Mckie

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News Flash To All Sportsman FC Members It has been confirmed today that Section N will have its own dedicated marking station for the first three National

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The National Flying Club


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