December 10, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

General Meeting (GM)

This week saw the final GM of 2016 being held on Wednesday the 7th.

There was another good turn-out and I was especially pleased to see Arthur White, from Throckley making a rare appearance. One of the longest standing NFC members in the North East, Arthur, has not enjoyed the best of health for a couple of years. He said he was keeping much better of late and was hoping to be competing again next season.

We kick-off the meeting just after 7.30pm:

The minutes of the previous GM held on 16/3/16 were accepted as a true record and there was a quick review of our pay-out night. The general consensus was it had been a great night, the presentation with Rod Adams and other guests had gone very well and as always the Buffet was well received. The small auction had proved a big success.

The Secretary then moved to NFC Business and reported back on the Presentation at Torquay. What appeared a very formal start to the event soon lightened up and an excellent night was enjoyed by everyone. There were some excellent speeches and whilst there was some brief mention of the Kelly” affair it was not dwelt on. Although reference was made to the vigilance and determination of the Secretary to root out mis-demeanours and any perpetrators. There was also plenty of plaudits for Phil Curtis the Chairman who despite a year fraught with health issues had worked relentlessly in what had been a most testing year.

NFC subs were now due and can be paid either on line or direct to the Secretary.

Cornwall will have its own Section for 2017. The House of Aarden has been the prime drivers for this. They have agreed a 5 year sponsorship deal with the NFC and full details will appear in the 2017 Handbook.

The AGM for NFC is scheduled for 16/1/17 which should be a lively affair!

The Secretary has also had a call from Ian Parsons, Cumbria. There is a new club being launched from 2017 to follow the NFC programme. This will be known as Cumbria & Dumfriesshire Greater Distance Pigeon Club” and is based on the Sportsman model”. Once up and running they would be looking to use any marking station opened in the North East.


2017 Subs increased to £10 per member per loft and £10 per Club. Payable before the end of February. Members can pay direct or the Secretary agreed to collect along with 2017 Subs at the AGM.

Show Race

After the success of this seasons show race from the Messac National there was much interest in a similar event for 2017. There was a rather long drawn out discussion on this score after which it was agreed that we should arrange a show race.

This will take place on Saturday the 11th February, and will be open to all club members and any NFC members who intend joining the Sportsman FC in 2017.

  • Race point Messac

  • Maximum 2 birds per member (1 Cock & 1 Hen) birds must be in the pen.

  • Birdage £5 per bird.

  • Single Bird £10 nom. (Winner takes All)

  • Prizemonies as follows: Show (Cocks & Hens) 1st £20, 2nd £15, 3rd £10, with £10 for BIS.

  • Race Prizes for first 4 birds with all entry monies paid out and £100 added same as 2016.

  • Judges still to be sourced.


AGM date agreed as 22/2/2017 (Kick-off 7.30pm) Agenda and copy of balance sheet will be text to members/sent by post where necessary.

Secretary asked for Agenda items to be submitted before 31/1/17.

He also reminded members that nominations for Club Officials positions were required.

Bob Mckie

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Special Secretary Report Sorry about the delay in drafting this report but thought I would leave until post Torquay weekend. Well on Saturday the 26th all roads led to
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Secretary’s Weekly Report As you will all know by now the ban on free-flying of birds around the lofts was quickly lifted. However the serious outbreak on a turkey farm in

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
