October 9, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Back from holidays and it’s all go.

Presentation Night

Jeff and I are pushing ahead with arranging our pay-out night at the Sportsman on the 19th October. The main guest will be Rod Adams so we will have a real touch of class in our presence. Doors open at 7.00pm for an 8.00 pm kick-off. There will be the usual buffet prepared by our hosts John & Belle, a raffle and an Auction of 5 birds presented by club members who topped Section N this season.

Hopefully we will be joined by some of our club supporters including sponsors, show judges and both old members and one or two possible new members. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to a great turn-out.

More details of the birds to be auctioned are on our October sale page of the website so please take the time to have a look at what has been pledged in aid of club funds.

Bob Mckie/Jeff Walton

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Secretary’s Weekly Report It was with great sadness to hear of the sudden death of our friend and fellow member Fred McCluskey. Fred was a giant character in the North East
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Secretary’s Weekly Report The NFC Annual Dinner and Presentation will be held in Torquay on Saturday 26th November 2016 There are one or two club members already booked-up to

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The National Flying Club


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