July 30, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Tarbes National

So the Big One” has come and gone and regrettably there were no birds recorded in the Sportsman Club within race time. Whilst disappointing it only serves to make you more determined to look again at your approach to this marathon event. Do you have the right stock”, is your management style geared to marathon racing and so forth. All these things will haunt us for a while then it’s back to the drawing board.

Ray & George Anderson (M Anderson & Sons) from Washington clocked a super bird early the 3rd morning to win Section N and will be well placed in the Open. On behalf of the Sportsman members I say well done and many congratulations for keeping the North East up there in the National scene.

The whole Tarbes race has been overtaken by the bad publicity following the Kelly” fiasco. At the moment it is watch this space, the Officials of the NFC have matters in hand and for obvious reasons cannot talk about the case in detail.

Young Birds

Hope your training plans are going Ok it just seems that what can go wrong will go wrong these days. Nevertheless let’s hope we see a good turnout for the Old Hens/Young Bird National in September. Jeff and I will be looking to sort out and confirm transport arrangements by mid-August.

Squills 2017

I am currently working up an article for next year’s edition which will be all about the Sportsman FC and encouraging long distance racing in the North East. Unless there is something urgent cropping up there will be no weekly report for the next 2 weeks. Holidays!!!!!!!

Bob McKie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report Well, all eyes on the “Big” this week. Tarbes the Blue Riband race of the season insofar as most National fanciers are concerned. The birds were
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Secretary’s Weekly Report We are now moving rapidly towards the close season with the final National for both Old Hens/Young Birds to be flown from Coutences on Saturday 3rd

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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