July 16, 2009

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Bob McKie 1st Section N NFC SaintesBob McKie 1st Section N NFC Saintes

Saintes has come and gone with only 3 birds making the result sheet by the close of the race.

  • 1st Bob Mckie (636 miles) 1st Section N
  • 2nd McSween & Sexton (631 miles) 2nd Section N
  • 3rd Barrie Blackett & Son (616 miles) 4th Section N

These 3 birds were all timed in a 12 minute window on Sunday morning which given the distance is an amazing outcome. They will all achieve decent Open position from an entry of 3270 with our birds flying up to 300 miles further than some of the competition.

Top drawer performances all round and it goes to prove if we set our stall out“then this is one of the key race-points where a 1st Open is within our grasp!!

Tarbes is up next and liberation is scheduled for Friday 22nd July with race marking Tuesday the 19th July. Birds will be collected at the usual time at our HQ on Monday 18th July. (Note arrangements will be made to have T3s set on Tuesday the 18th please bring to HQ on the Monday night)

Messac Show Race

The final result was:

  • 1st John & Steven Best
  • 2nd Malcolm, Heslington & Jones
  • 3rd Bob Mckie
  • 4th Bob Mckie (Single Bird Nom)

All prize monies will be paid out at our Annual Presentation evening on 19th October.

Many thanks to everyone for supporting this event and a special thanks you to Gary Heslington, John Fellows and Jeff Walton for making the show happen.

Bob Mckie

Ps if you need to contact me please email me on bmckie@tiscali.co.uk I am currently upgrading my mobile contract but we are having problems with activation which my provider says may take a little time to resolve. 

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National Flying Club — New Section N At the recent NFC Annual General Meeting in addition to significant changes of Officials we saw a proposal to create 3 new sections passed by the

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