May 14, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report


By now you should all have received your copy of the 2016 Season Handbook. Take time to have a read of the handbook get to know the club rules, particularly those relating to baskets and clocks.

Any questions just give me a call or drop me an email.

Fougeres National 21st May - Club Sponsor Vanrobaey Feeds

Now less than a week away so I hope you have everything in order.

Must say a big thank you to Sid and Karen Barkel for all their help and support this last couple of weeks. You can imagine how difficult a time it has been for our NFC Secretaries with Handbook printing chaos, IT system changes and sheer volume of telephone traffic that these issues generated. It can’t have been easy with such a massive membership and let’s hope next weekend goes smoothly. Don’t forget there are always going to be some irritations with the computers at the beginning of a new season until the amended programme has settled.

Back to the racing. Don’t forget that Part A entry forms must be with Sid by Monday AM at the latest. No exceptions.

Section pools should be entered and paid for on the part A of your entry form. Remember there is no club pooling!

Don’t forget to bring Part B of the entry form with your birds on Wednesday night.

Your baskets should clearly display your name and NFC membership number & cocks or hens.

ETS clocks go down to Sheffield with the birds. Arrangements to return these and baskets will be confirmed on Wednesday night. I will have spare verification sheets with me on Wednesday if anyone needs them.

We will look to have T3 clocks set and struck by 8.30pm at latest.

As discussed at last meeting could members please let Jeff or I know how many birds your sending by no later than Noon on Monday. This will assist in deciding transport arrangements.

I anticipate that we will need 4 members down at Sheffield and I am grateful to Jeff, John Fellows and Robert Dawson who have stepped forward to go. It will be busy and there will be quite a bit to co-ordinate at the marking station.

Weather Forecast for Next Weekend

Depending which web-site you look at, I would say that the wind is likely to be variable possibly some South in it to start with which will give the birds a good start. In the latter part of race the wind appears to be more west north west. Always going to be a chance of showers, the concern I have is cloud cover and atmospheric conditions. Remember this is a personal view and things can change dramatically in a week!

Best of luck to everyone competing next weekend. Hopefully we will have a strong club showing and possibly the first NFC Section N victor. Whatever happens the winner is sure of a big well done” from everyone.

Bob Mckie


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Secretary’s Weekly Report Be on your marks the first National of the season is 2 weeks from today and there is everything to play for in the Sportsman Flying Club. Could we
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Secretary’s Weekly Report Bob McKie & Robert Dawson with Phil Curtis NFC Chairman at Sheffield marking for Fougeres On Wednesday night everyone met up at the Sportsman at

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
