April 7, 2019


Today is Sunday the 7th April leaving only 48 Days to basketing night Wednesday 15th May for the Fougeres National.

Race Sponsors: Vanrobaey Feeds (Belgium)

Mr & Mrs Crowther (Consett) who have donated £50 to winner of the race.

Basketing at Toft Hill is from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm. Please get there early and give a hand with marking. We are looking to have the transport van loaded and away to Sheffield no later than 7.15pm.

Race entries must be with the NFC Secretary no later than Monday 13th May. Check your handbook for more details but remember you can book on line or by post but don’t leave it to the last minute. Best to do this early in case you encounter any problems especially as it is the first National of the season and the IT System and User skills may be a bit rusty!!

Also members must bring fully completed Part B forms with you to marking which I will check-off before marking of your birds is authorised. And make sure where using ETS systems that any previous race has been killed-off.

If you have any questions or concerns just give me a call on M. 07828961442

Bob Mckie


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Secretary’s Report On the 30th January all roads led to Toft Hill for the Sportsman FC. Annual General meeting. In October this year we will celebrate our 10th
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Sportsman Phone-in Sale Our Sportsman phone-in sale proved to be another great success. Our members would like to thank all donors and buyers for their support.

Competing in
The National Flying Club


Sponsored by
The House of Aarden
