March 25, 2020


The following content has been agreed by members of the Confederation including RPRA, NEHU, SHU, WHU but excluding the IHU. As of 23rd March the UK government brought in further restrictions to limit the spread and impact of the coronavirus. As a direct result pigeon racing will be suspended until at least 23rd May 2020. The RPRA and other Unions will continue to monitor the situation. Updates will be published when available. Furthermore, the following applies to all members: Training of pigeons is classed as non-essential travel and is therefore strictly prohibited.

Ian Evans CEO

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New RPRA Rule Dear Secretary I wish to bring to your attention that the following new rule was implemented at the 2020 RPRA AGM When dealing with applications
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RPRA Directive As you will appreciate the decision taken to prohibit ALL training was taken in line with Government restrictions relating to non-essential travel

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The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
