November 6, 2018

National Flying Club at NEHU Show

Just a quick update about the 3rd November when I attended the NEHU Annual Show promoting National racing and raising awareness about the challenges and benefits of joining the NFC.

Arriving early I quickly had our stand and Banners in place in a great spot opposite the Racing Pigeon and Boddy & Ridewood before the doors opened at 10 am. There was a steady stream of fanciers coming through the doors with a good flow both old and new dropping by our stand to seek information and pass comment about the 2018 racing season. I handed out numerous NFC application forms. There was much interest and comment about the National scene however there remains a strong fancier loyalty to the UNC the main objective being to win Bourges. This is a commendable aspiration despite recent racing data analysis pointing to deterioration in results similar to the experience of other organisations.

Let’s hope future returns improve and at the same time we see a more lofts picking up the gauntlet and trying the National racing scene where despite some tough races returns into the North East improve year on year.

As to the show itself I had little opportunity to look around but did manage a chat with James Parker and Ian Stafford on the JPS Stand where trade was very brisk. James had an excellent year racing with the NFC. But what can you say about the partnership of Stafford and Wilson who fly in the UNC and existing members of the Sportsman. Their race results in 2018 were absolutely brilliant. Ian is fully committed to flying with us in the Nationals in the near future which will be great and interesting to see how his birds perform.

That’s all for now and thanks to all the members who stopped by for a chat,

Bob Mckie

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The National Flying Club


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The House of Aarden
