April 28, 2018

2018 National Racing Season

Well members I hope you are all ready for the new NFC season with only 18 days to go there is no room for error in your preparations. The first race being Coutances at around 380 miles to Toft Hill it is a great opportunity for all our charges to gain valuable experience of national racing. Personally I have only ever included a small number of yearlings in the first race but given the distance if the weather forecast is kind and the birds stand up to the training then I will certainly be sending a few more this year.

The NFC Handbook

The NFC Handbook is with the printer and should be with you in first week of May.

NFC Website

Some members are still having problems getting online. If this is the case give Sid Barkel a call and ask him to get you online.

Marking Station

I would ask everyone using ETS to ensure they have had old races killed”. That the sex and life rings are correctly assigned otherwise their birds will not go into the basket. This is your personal responsibility and you can be assured the rule to be strictly enforced.

As this will be our first time at the new marking station I would ask for your patience and please step forward to support officials with marking and getting birds away safely.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Bob Mckie


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Phone-In Sale After another highly successful phone-in sale we, the Sportsman FC members would like to thank all the donors and buyers of the lots in the sale.
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Sportsman FC NFC Coutances Nat flown 19th May 2018 See Race Info page for Coutances result. Due to the NFC website being down and some members details not being available, this is only an indication

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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