March 6, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

This has been a quiet week on the club front.

RPRA Club Schedules

The Sportsman FC membership list is completed and was despatched along with payment of club fee and members subscriptions. Would members who did not pay their fees via the club please note that these are now due and should be paid direct.

General Meeting

This will take place on Wednesday the 16th March (kick off at 7:45pm). Anyone interested in joining the club (I have had another couple of enquiries this week) is more than welcome to come along to the meeting to meet everyone and learn more about how we are organised. The meeting agenda will be tabled in next week’s report.

Annual Young Bird Sale

We will finalise details at the next meeting but Jeff Walton would appreciate an early heads-up on details from donors on breeding/and approximate date of readiness of your entries. One of our latest youngbird donations is from Nelson, Hall, Ramm & partners of Bearpark 9x1st WDA, including twice in 2015.

Planning Permission for new lofts

Hit my first objections this week from the Environmental team. Their grounds for objection noise and odour”. Bearing in mind the lofts will be on open agricultural land some 20 plus metres away from my house and others, sharing the field with Highland Cattle, Sheep and Alpacas could not believe the stance adopted. Interesting to see how they develop their arguments when I respond!!!

That’s it for this week.

Bob Mckie


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Secretary’s Weekly Report This week the primary focus has been on the Club Show Race from the Messac National with Jeff looking to determine the number of entries and working
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Secretary’s Weekly Report Agenda: Minutes of last general meeting Update on membership numbers Subscription position in relation to Club, RPRA, NFC Young Bird Sale: Jeff

Competing in
The National Flying Club


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