February 27, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

Messac Show Race

This week the primary focus has been on the Club Show Race from the Messac National with Jeff looking to determine the number of entries and working closely with John Fellows to ensure we could accommodate the pens.

Show co-ordinator Gary Heslington of Wingate with Showrace Class winnersShow co-ordinator Gary Heslington of Wingate with Showrace Class winners

Garry Heslington, secured the services of Robert Frost from Wheatley Hill as show judge and Tony Edreyner as his steward.

Malcolm Brown provided a great trophy for the Best in Show from his very good friends Mrs Deweerde & Sons of Koetermark, Belgium and Owen Shaw Trophies, kindly donated momentum plaques to the individual winner of each Class.

In the end we had a smashing turn out today with 17 members showing a total of 59 birds (31 Hens/ 28 Cocks). The quality of birds on show was excellent.

Best in show 1st Hens - Terry Unsworth of WingateBest in show 1st Hens - Terry Unsworth of Wingate

Winning the Hen’s class and Best in Show with a superb 4 year old Cheq and white was Terry Unsworth, a close 2nd Tom Cuthbertson with a sweet 2year old Blue and in 3rd place with a cracking 4 year-old Dark hen we had the ever young Jim Nicholson.

1st prize Cocks - Gordon Clark of Blackhall1st prize Cocks - Gordon Clark of Blackhall

The Cock’s class was won by Gordon Clark with a cracking 3 year old Blue, just stopping Terry Unsworth doing the double who was 2nd with a smart three year old chequer and 3rd were Armstrong, Shergold, Johnson and Moon with a great looking two year old chequer.

The total prize pot came to £295 split 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%. And in the £10 Single Nom winner take all £140.

Everyone enjoyed a great afternoon and as the judging was taking place our hosts Belle and John provided a great spread of sandwiches to go with the excellent pint of ale they serve. Several of our new members were in attendance. They were all made welcome and given the opportunity to learn more about how the club operated.

Sportsman FC Messac showrace entrantsSportsman FC Messac showrace entrants

Overall this was an excellent event, with great support, excellent prize money, some superb birds on show and a friendly social atmosphere throughout the afternoon. Very big thank you to the judge Robert and his partner in crime Tony. Also to Jeff Walton, John Fellows, Paul Fullard and Garry Heslington for all the hard work in organising the event.

Many thanks to Dean Bank Homing Society for loaning the Sportsman FC their show pens and trays. We hope DBHS have successful Breeder Buyer sales on Saturdays 5th & 12th March.

Members waiting for the show resultMembers waiting for the show result


The brave decision of the NFC Management Committee to create a new Section N was a major boost to National racing in the North East. By close of play on Saturday the 27th Sportsman FC membership has reached 44. The latest to join the club are Mick Fantarrow from Stanley, Robert Westgarth, also from Stanley, Stephen Barrows of Middlesbrough, Thurlow and Strong Sunderland, and Allan Walker of Stockton. Can we hit the 50 mark before the Season starts? This is a real challenge but I know there are other lofts thinking of joining us. So as I said last week if you know anyone thinking about joining just give them a nudge!!

Farm Beans

Esp-Green Farm Iveston, on the Lanchester Road has locally grown Tic Beans available at £6 for 25 Kilo bags. Just ask for Dave, Mobile 07831279669.

Young Bird Sale

As mentioned last week Jeff, is already collating the Sale’s List which is starting to look very impressive indeed with birds pledged from among others, Barry Winter 1st Open Tarbes in 2012, Nick Adshead who has numerous top Open NFC positions, Phil Curtis (NFC Chairman) who had a cracking season last year in both the BICC and NFC. Paul Stobbs and partners who have a stock loft full of UNC and Amalgamation winners which are breeding winners in many parts of the UK, Europe and across the world.

Greyhound Racing

I see this issue came under Political scrutiny again this week with calls for the Association of Bookmakers to do more by way of contributing to the re-homing of retired dogs. There were even calls from some quarters for greyhound racing to be banned altogether. The Sport of Racing Pigeons cannot ignore these constant hostile attacks and we all need to ensure we do nothing to give these spectators the ammunition which would create unwanted attention in our sport. I have kept retired greyhounds for some 18 years now. They make great family pets, don’t need a great deal of exercise, are excellent with children and all round good company. I would highly recommend them if you are looking for a new house-mate. Be warned they make lousy guard dogs!!

Bob Mckie

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Secretary’s Weekly Report This is the first of what will be a weekly blog appearing on our new website detailing club business that the secretary has been involved with
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Secretary’s Weekly Report This has been a quiet week on the club front. The Sportsman FC membership list is completed and was despatched along with payment of club fee and

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