February 20, 2016

Secretary’s Weekly Report

This is the first of what will be a weekly blog appearing on our new website detailing club business that the secretary has been involved with during the previous seven days. Because the club membership is drawn from across the whole of the North East the aim of the blog is to help keep the membership better informed of what is happening within the Club and across the National scene.

Club Membership

Since the AGM a further 4 applications have been received and accepted these included:-Ken Dodd and Son, Hexham. Gordon Clark, of Blackhall, Mrs B Matthews and Son Butterknowle and Dave Lodge of Barnard Castle bringing the membership up to 39 for the 2016 season and there is still time for that number to increase before the end of March. So don’t be shy if you know anyone who may be thinking about trying National racing give them a nudge and some encouragement to come and join us. It could be the best decision that they make this year.

NFC Business

NFC Auction is currently live on their website and will close at 21:00:00 on Sunday the 21st February. Looking at the auction schedule there are some excellent distance birds on offer which could strengthen any distance race team or stock loft.

Talking to Sid Barkel this week he asked that I remind all members that NFC Annual subs are now due.

He also mentioned that the NFC Annual Handbook should be issued early/mid April. I would encourage all members to take a few moments to read the guidance covering race entry and marking including basket arrangements. Give me a call if they need any issue’s clarified.

RPRA Annual fees are due end of February. Many of you have already paid these via the Club and I am in the process of preparing a schedule listing our full club membership which will be sent to the RPRA on March 1st. I will be happy to take outstanding club subs and RPRA Fees on Saturday 27th Feb.at our show race.

Messac Show Race

I have had regular discussions with Garry and Jeff, who are co-ordinating the event. All indicators suggest it will be a big success. There will be a great trophy for the best in show so even if you do not intend to show try and get along to the Sportsman. You never know it maybe that you get a chance to see a future NFC Open winner. One thing for sure you’ll enjoy the crack. Big thank you to Garry & Jeff for all their support in organising the show.

Club Young Bird Sale

Jeff has already started working on this initiative and would appreciate it if members could pass breeding details of youngsters to him asap. Pledges of youngsters are still welcome and an indication of when the babies will be ready would be enormously helpful for the press advert.


I have been in touch with Tom Demeester at Vanrobaeys to confirm that I had picked up this year’s prizes from Terry Knox and again thanked him for their brilliant support. I also advised him about the launch of our Club website and the link within it to the Vanrobaey site.

I am still chasing other Sponsorship deals, although it remains quiet on this front currently.

New Cumbria Section

Have made contact with Ian Parsons across in Cumbria. Ian is not only a great flier of the doo’s he also manages a very successful Stud. He is looking to get things moving in his new section across the Pennines, it is early days and there is a long way to go before they get their National act together. One very interesting aspect he mentioned concerned the setting up of a Marking Station. His immediate thoughts were that if Section N were granted a marking station then perhaps the Cumbrian lads would/could use it rather than set up a separate one. We have agreed to keep in touch as Cumbria develop its approach.

Planning Permission for New Lofts

I am currently looking to relocate my own racing lofts from allotments a couple of miles away from my home, to agricultural land behind my house. Not an easy or cheap process although a lot more straightforward if approached sensibly. The RPRA website is a great starting place with some excellent advice to be found there. I also talked to my local Councillor and gained his full support along with local farmer who owns the land. Plans have been submitted and registered so it’s just a waiting game and if permission is given I see the shift taking 1 to 2 year. If anyone wants any advice on planning or permitted development processes just get in touch.

That’s it for this week but should any member want to see anything specific covered in the blog just drop me a quick text.

Bob Mckie

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Annual General Meeting 27th January 2016 Tom Riddle the club Chairman welcomed and thanked everyone for attending. We had a full house with members traveling from all over the North East to
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Secretary’s Weekly Report This week the primary focus has been on the Club Show Race from the Messac National with Jeff looking to determine the number of entries and working

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The National Flying Club


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