March 27, 2018

General Meeting on Wednesday 4th April at HQ Toft Hill (Kick-Off 7.45pm)

  1. Issue’s to follow up from AGM including:
    • Marking Station (Kitting out)
    • Finalising Bird of Year arrangements
    • Presentation Night
  2. Club Young Bird Sale
  3. NFC Business
  4. RPRA Business-Update (Jim Sexton)
  5. Next NFC General Meeting (Jim & Bob attending)
  6. Sponsorship
  7. AOB including collection of any outstanding club subs or RPRA Fees.

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Sportsman FC (NFC) 2018 AGM Our AGM was held at our Club HQ Toft Hill, on Wednesday the 21st February. As always despite members having extensive journeys the attendance was
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Phone-In Sale After another highly successful phone-in sale we, the Sportsman FC members would like to thank all the donors and buyers of the lots in the sale.

Competing in
The National Flying Club


Sponsored by
The House of Aarden
