October 14, 2020

Dear Members

2020 Prize Money/Cards will be sent out to all winners later this week.

I am sure all the members will wish to congratulate all our winners especially John and Steven who not only win the Averages but attained the highest Open position with 18TV4331 in the Coutances OH National on the 5th September. They also had the Bird of the Year 17TV4206 who put up a brilliant performance from Fougeres on 6th July when winning Club, Section and 444th Open with almost 10,000 birds competing.

Then we had the winning performance of McSween & Sexton in the Coutances Young Bird National with GB20N67059 an awesome performance from 402 miles being the only bird home on the day in both the Club and Section winning 275th Open against a consignment of 3403 birds.

Also, a special mention for Allen & Carol Walker who timed their 6year old hen Lily from Pau winning the Club, Section and 325th Open flying 778 miles.

We should also send a big well done to Tony Lyons a new member to the Club who won the Messac National on a very testing day.

Trophies will be presented at the first opportunity Covid 19 restrictions are sufficiently relaxed.

I also wish to send thanks to Sid Forster (WDA), Duncan Knox (SNRPC) and Barry Winter (NFC) for judging the Bird of the Year Competition.

Finally, watch out for the new Sportsman FC Facebook Group which Ian Carter is launching to promote the Club.

Bob Mckie


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